Sunday, February 22, 2009

wait, what?


Take a left up at the corner, go two blocks....

A fun sketch that I've just done this afternoon for my brothers birthday.
I'll probably print it and frame it as a gift.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Creature Designs -- Michael Jaecks

Hey guys. My name is Michael Jaecks. I'm a freelance Concept Artist and Illustrator living in Minneapolis, MN and working for clients everywhere the interwebs can reach. Davi invited me to join the blog and I'm pleased to be here. Here's just a sample of some work. Images 2 and 3 above were for Wolfgang Baur's Kobold Quarterly. Really great work from everyone here and I'm looking forward to seeing and sharing more.

another vegetable

what the hell? oh fuck I did draw another one....

Saturday, February 14, 2009


It's embarrassing posting among such greatness, but i need to get my act in gear and start pumping out more personal work.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Big Guy WIP

Here's the underpainting for that sketch I posted earlier...
It's a little dark... I'll probably brighten it up as move forward.
Comments and critiques are welcome!


DW 3 stuff

So Dominance War 4 is starting soon. I have no idea if I'll have time to particpate again... I'm going to have some major crunch in March at work. But it was alot of fun (and alot of work) last year so hopefully I can do it again. I was happy with my design for DW3 but I had to turn in an unfinished entry. But I still made it to the top 50 so that was cool!
I recently painted more on the head concept... so here it is and I figured I should post some of the other stuff too!
If only I had one more weekend.... sigh.
Here's the original forum thread if anyone is interested in the progression!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Hi guys,

My name 's Fred Rambaud , I have been working as an illustrator and concept artist for the past 4 years now. Mike was kind enough to invite me, thank you sir ;)

So here is my first post.

This is a concept for a personal project, a mount for an ogre-sized warrior.
This is the sketch or line

and this is the color version

I always like showing both versions because I feel that you lose something in style and also design when it is painted.

Hope you guys like it :)


plant pplz


Some Photoshop.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Been a while for me, posting-wise, so here is something of the creature type...
A rather grainy snapshot of a painting I just did called HAPPY DOG. ^ _ ^
Is Airbrushed Acrylic.

eat your veggies

part of a personal project I am doing...more to come

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Here's an alien scholar, reading a book. A fairly quick and loose sketch, done in pencil then scanned into Photoshop. It was fun.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Athina Thundrafire

Hey mates!

Here is a dragon, Athina. So much fun doing her! : )

Hope Y'all digs!